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2 & 3 In2Care System Pest and Mosquito Product Cost:

The Cost for a 2-In2Care Systems, Pest & Mosquito Service

The Initial Visit:

The initial treatment service may take between 1.5-2 hours.  We will treat the accessible baseboards and doorways (less than 1/4gal of product used).  We will inspect the property to determine the best place to install and set up 2- In2Care systems.  Inspect the eaves and remove cobwebs, wasp and dirt dauber nests.   We will inspect and granulate the yard and shrubbery (about 17.2lbs of product), ensuring we avoid gardens and fruit trees.  We will treat the foundation of the property (2-4gals of product).  We will mist treat the yard, trees, shrubs, and common resting areas used by mosquitoes (about 2.5-3.75gal of product); again, avoiding gardens and fruit trees.


The Cost for Product on the initial service is about: $158.64.  This does not include the cost to operate and maintain the business nor does it cover the hourly wage of the employee performing the service or Office Personnel.   

Monthly Maintenance Visit:

The monthly maintenance treatment service may take between 45 minutes-1.5 hours.  We will treat the accessible baseboards and doorways (less than 1/4gal of product used).  We will inspect the property to determine if current placement of In2Care is still the best location.  We will inspect the eaves and remove cobwebs, wasp and dirt dauber nests.   We will inspect and granulate the yard and shrubbery (between 8.6-25.8lbs of product), ensuring we avoid gardens and fruit trees.  We will treat the foundation of the property (2-4gals of product).  We will mist treat the yard, trees, shrubs, and common resting areas used by mosquitoes (about 2.5-3.75gal of product); again, avoiding gardens and fruit trees.


The Cost for Product for monthly maintenance will average about: $96.96.  

**Prices from 2019**

The Cost for a 3-In2Care Systems, Pest & Mosquito Service

The Initial Visit:

The initial treatment service may take between 1.5-2 hours.  We will treat the accessible baseboards and doorways (less than 1/4gal of product used).  We will inspect the property to determine the best place to install and set up 3- In2Care systems.  Inspect the eaves and remove cobwebs, wasp and dirt dauber nests.   We will inspect and granulate the yard and shrubbery (about 25.8lbs of product), ensuring we avoid gardens and fruit trees.  We will treat the foundation of the property (2-4gals of product).  We will mist treat the yard, trees, shrubs, and common resting areas used by mosquitoes (about 3.75-5gal of product); again, avoiding gardens and fruit trees.


The Cost for Product on the initial service is: $225.98.  This does not include the cost to operate and maintain the business nor does it cover the hourly wage of the employee performing the service or Office Personnel.   

Monthly Maintenance Visit:

The monthly maintenance treatment service may take between 1-2 hours.  We will treat the accessible baseboards and doorways (less than 1/4gal of product used).  We will inspect the property to determine if current placement of In2Care is still the best location.  We will inspect the eaves and remove cobwebs, wasp and dirt dauber nests.   We will inspect and granulate the yard and shrubbery (between 12.9-38.7lbs of product), ensuring we avoid gardens and fruit trees.  We will treat the foundation of the property (2-4gals of product).  We will mist treat the yard, trees, shrubs, and common resting areas used by mosquitoes (about 3.75-5gal of product); again, avoiding gardens and fruit trees.


The Cost for Product for monthly maintenance will average about: $133.46.  

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